About 48 hours into my water fast. So far so good. A quick recap. Start weight…
About 48 hours into my water fast. So far so good. A quick recap. Start weight 242 Current wait 238 Worked out this am faster. Felt great! Thought I would feel weak but no I felt energized and was able to finish workout. Had a few hunger pains throughout the day but they left almost as fast as they came. Had a light headache a few times today so I will keep my eye on that. Drank a gallon of water so far and 1 liter of snake diet. No cheating. Feeling so monk and zen like right now…lol Pic is apart of my workout program..working my way to pull ups. #Omad #intermittentfasting #plantstrong #convictconditioning #weightlossjourney #waterfasting