Extreme Fitness + Simple Eating = Serious Results Autumn Calabrese’s new progra…

Extreme Fitness + Simple Eating = Serious Results Autumn Calabrese’s new program 21 Day Fix EXTREME® is here…and it’s serious. To help you quickly shred up and shed off those final pounds, Autumn has developed extreme 30-minute workouts that combine steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body. And you’ll not only be practicing portion control for your nutrition—you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. No excuses. But that’s not all…Autumn has also included her own personal nutrition plan that she uses for competitions, designed to get your body stage-ready and ripped in just 21 days. No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. It’s going to take guts, intensity, and drive. But it’s only 21 days. And at the end of it, you’re going to look and feel awesome. Another thing…if you get 21 Day Fix EXTREME through me, I can get you a FREE workout DVD called The Fix Challenge—a fast and vigorous bodyweight routine that scorches a ton of calories in only 30 minutes. Just stop by my website at www.beachbodycoac… and follow the 21 Day Fix EXTREME banner. Or contact me directly and I’ll tell you more about it! Want to carve a serious hardbody? You have to try 21 Day Fix EXTREME.

Source by vcarrerofitness

