Should you have a whole cheat day or just a cheat meal? Also how many cheat meal…

Should you have a whole cheat day or just a cheat meal? Also how many cheat meals a week should you have. If you want to learn how often and when you should have cheat days to continue cutting and losing weight watch this video. Find out if they're worth it. Cheat Meals Make You Fatter (UNLESS YOU DO THIS) Should you have a cheat day & cheat meals how many cheat meals a week? How often and when should you have cheat days You're probably like Wait just a second Max….. I thought cheat days we're supposed to be good for you while dieting. They're supposed to give your mind and your body a break from being in a deprived state and that can't hurt right? well the truth is that the way that most people go about doing cheat days and cheat meals sabotages their weight loss and fat loss efforts. In fact one poorly-planned cheat day can set you back a whole week if not two. The good news is that there are ways of setting up a cheat day and a cheat meal without halting your fat loss and without destroying your whole diet plan. In this video I'm gonna answer questions like when you should have your cheat day how often you should cheat and how many cheat meals a day you can have without putting on fat. To answer any of these questions first and foremost we have to all be on the same page of what I mean when I say a cheat day because to one person a cheat day might be having a couple rolls of sushi while to another person it could be eating junk food on the couch all day long. These two scenarios obviously would have two completely different impacts on your body. If you want your cheat day to have a minimal effect on your results then first thing you're gonna do is make the phrase cheat day interchangeable with cheat meal. All this means is that a cheat day includes just one cheat meal not a bunch of cheat meals throughout the day. Why? Because the damage that you can do in one meal before your stomach is full is a lot less than the damage that you can do throughout the whole day. Now if you're trying to lose weight or burn fat you shouldn't have more than one cheat day per week. And during that cheat day you only give yourself a 1-hour cheating window. Meaning you can only cheat for that one hour. That's considered one cheat meal. I know some people that eat clean all day and then almost every night they cheat and then they can't figure out why they're not losing weight. What goes into your cheat meal is super important as well. First of all if you have a diet that's so strict that you have to always avoid all carbs including thing's like potatoes pasta or white rice understand that your diet is destined to fail. Because things like potatoes rice and pasta made from natural sources are all things that shouldn't be restricted in your diet. In fact any "real food" should be allowed into your diet plan without calling it cheating. By real food i mean that the food has to be sourced from ingredients that come from the earth rather than ingredients that are man made. Eating potatoes is not cheating as long as you fit it into your plan. Once again if your plan has too many foods that are restricted that plan will fail because when your told not to think of a purple elephant we all think of a purple elephant. Same thing with restricting food that shouldn't be restricted. When you do that all your mind is going to think about is the food your not allowed to have. Cheap Foods are foods that normally are not found in your diet such as sweets fried foods toppings and sauces and obviously all junk food. So a cheat meal can be as small as getting a couple sushi rolls that come with cream cheese and then dipping that sushi into spicy mayo. Obviously the spicy mayo on the cream cheese is not what I would consider real food but the damage from a cheat meal like this is very very small. Having a whole pie of Pizza and ice cream with dessert on the other hand is going to be a lot higher in calories and could set you back a little further. So there are three things that you can do to control the impact of your cheat meals. And these tips are super important so pay close attention. When you cheat you're usually having a surplus of calories especially high in fat and carbs. So to balance that out the first thing you can do is fast either during the day that you're cheating or the day after to make up for the Surplus calories. This is also known as banking your calories. Your essentially saving your fats and carbs for your cheat meal. There are many ways to do this besides fasting such as simply counting your macros but fasting is obviously the most effective way to save calories. The type of fasting you can do isn't limited to intermittent fasting you can also fast for a whole day.

Source by TechnicalChuzza

