CHEAT MEALS & REFEEDS As shredding season rolls around I want to give you m…
CHEAT MEALS & REFEEDS As shredding season rolls around I want to give you my insight on these two topics When in a consistent deficit for an adequate amount of time… cheat meals & refeeds can actually help regulate your bodys hormones to kickstart fat loss again. CHEAT MEALS Pick one day out of the week! Use this as motivation to kill the rest of the week to make it feel like you earned it. Without satisfying cravings you are more prone to caving in. DO NOT SPILL OVER!! What I mean is try your best to eat until youre satisfied… not until youre sick. Consider fasting as much as you can up until your cheat meal. To end your day around maintenance rather than a huge surplus. Aim to keep your meal well balanced. Adequate amount of protein carbs and fats. REFEEDS Personally this is the approach I use when dieting because to me theyre more beneficial. When to use them? Feel it out. Dont refeed if your energy in the gym is fine and you still feel strong. If you feel depleted flat and tired all the time you most likely need one. I usually multiply my bodyweight by 2.5- 3 and eat that amount in CARBS. For me that would be close to 600g. I keep my fats below bodyweight times .3 and my protein close to grams per pound of bodyweight. This has proven time and time again to restore the glycogen in your muscles optimize your hormones and provide you GREAT energy. Does this make sense?? Comment below with any questions you might have